"The iron never lies to you." -Henry Rollins

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lunges & Burpees...

Breakfast: 3 boiled eggs, 5 spoonfuls of applesauce, 1 strip bacon.
Supplements: 4 fish oil, 1 Vitamin D , 4 Beta Alanine
(ran out of Multi-vitamins)

*Felt pretty well rested today. I have been using my time being unemployed to focus more on my recovery with stretching & a consistent bed time. I've definitely realized the importance of sleep for recovery.

Warm up:
5 rounds
20m bear crawl
10 sec Handstand holds

5x1 Max box jump:
Finished at 50inch

50ft. Lunge w/ 45lb plate, Fully locked out overhead.
21x burpees

Finished: 11:27

* The box jump was more mental than anything. I haven't done a max box jump since my sophomore year in college. It felt good to reach my old PR but now I gotta break it. As for the burpees..F, the darn burpees. I refuse to let them get the best of me. I can talk about being a big guy & the range of motion but the bottom line is they have to get done faster! Great competition from JP.

Post workout meal:
2 scoops 100% egg white, 1 tsp. Glutamine
1 large banana
1 left over thin cut Lamb chop.
Supplements as well.

**What goes around comes around

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