"The iron never lies to you." -Henry Rollins

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Eww..." Yeap! That sums it up!

*Sore as heck from yesterday!!

Spoonful of Almond butter
1 Scoop 100% Egg Protein
The usual Supplements

400m run
3rnds Cindy
5 Pull up
10 Push up
15 Squats
400m run

4 RFT (Rounds For Time)
400m run
5 rnds of Cindy
(NOTE: 1 400m run + 5 Rounds of Cindy= 1 ROUND, Repeat 4x)


“Underneath the beautiful exterior there was an element of ruthlessness and toughness that I had trouble either accepting or forgetting.” -Hubert H. Humphrey

Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg Protein, 1tsp Glutamine
1 "Apple Pie" Laurabar

*I came home and did about 2 hours of solid yard work, shoveling/sifting sugar sand & rocks that have been left in two medium sized piles. Then dumping the rocks into a huge pile in the backyard using an old wheel barrel. Why, Especially after a WOD like that & getting home with the temperature already up to 97 Degrees? Well because I was really pissed off with myself. See, I get extremely hard on myself when I do body weight workouts, I always feel that I should be moving faster if I'm just moving me so I constantly have this battle between my mind & body. I got through the first 2 rounds feeling pretty good but that 3rd round hit me like when you were younger at church misbehaving & your mother catches you with a pop on the back of the head! COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! 5 pull ups got harder & harder, my legs where burning, 10 push ups were just enough to get done & yet so taxing!

**I will say that today was the first day I achieved my "butterfly" kipping pull up. "When your body is tired it will naturally find a way to travel the path of least resistance." Well put Robert.

Anyway, I realized how stupid that was (the yard work lol), it took a lot out of my already exhausted body. I did drink plenty of water while I was working, it just delayed my usual post workout brunch. After a relaxing much needed shower this is what I ate:

4 Whiting fillets
Broccoli Spears
Small amount of sweet potato French Fries
1 "Wholly Guacamole" pack
Then finished that off with the usual Supplements
40 Minute "Power Nap" & then off to Lake Mary High to coach!


1 Big A** Steak cooked medium well
Medium sized salad mixed with Spinach, Romaine, & another dark leafy lettuce, tomato & onion
1 "Wholly Guacamole" Packet
1/2 Powerade Zero Extremely Water down mixed with 1tsp Glutamine Powder
The usual Supplements

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