In observance of humility & discipline, I've chosen to share my humble pursuit towards sustaining comfort in uncomfortable circumstances through my own retrospect of the WODs, & diet.

"The iron never lies to you." -Henry Rollins
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Been slacking on the updates...
Been extremely exhausted or busy lately. the past WODs I've done have been absolutely brutal. I'm in the middle of job training still so for those who check my blog out, I apologize for the lack of effort! -JB
Thursday, July 22, 2010
"Eww..." Yeap! That sums it up!
*Sore as heck from yesterday!!
Spoonful of Almond butter
1 Scoop 100% Egg Protein
The usual Supplements
400m run
3rnds Cindy
5 Pull up
10 Push up
15 Squats
400m run
4 RFT (Rounds For Time)
400m run
5 rnds of Cindy
(NOTE: 1 400m run + 5 Rounds of Cindy= 1 ROUND, Repeat 4x)
“Underneath the beautiful exterior there was an element of ruthlessness and toughness that I had trouble either accepting or forgetting.” -Hubert H. Humphrey
Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg Protein, 1tsp Glutamine
1 "Apple Pie" Laurabar
*I came home and did about 2 hours of solid yard work, shoveling/sifting sugar sand & rocks that have been left in two medium sized piles. Then dumping the rocks into a huge pile in the backyard using an old wheel barrel. Why, Especially after a WOD like that & getting home with the temperature already up to 97 Degrees? Well because I was really pissed off with myself. See, I get extremely hard on myself when I do body weight workouts, I always feel that I should be moving faster if I'm just moving me so I constantly have this battle between my mind & body. I got through the first 2 rounds feeling pretty good but that 3rd round hit me like when you were younger at church misbehaving & your mother catches you with a pop on the back of the head! COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! 5 pull ups got harder & harder, my legs where burning, 10 push ups were just enough to get done & yet so taxing!
**I will say that today was the first day I achieved my "butterfly" kipping pull up. "When your body is tired it will naturally find a way to travel the path of least resistance." Well put Robert.
Anyway, I realized how stupid that was (the yard work lol), it took a lot out of my already exhausted body. I did drink plenty of water while I was working, it just delayed my usual post workout brunch. After a relaxing much needed shower this is what I ate:
4 Whiting fillets
Broccoli Spears
Small amount of sweet potato French Fries
1 "Wholly Guacamole" pack
Then finished that off with the usual Supplements
40 Minute "Power Nap" & then off to Lake Mary High to coach!
1 Big A** Steak cooked medium well
Medium sized salad mixed with Spinach, Romaine, & another dark leafy lettuce, tomato & onion
1 "Wholly Guacamole" Packet
1/2 Powerade Zero Extremely Water down mixed with 1tsp Glutamine Powder
The usual Supplements
Spoonful of Almond butter
1 Scoop 100% Egg Protein
The usual Supplements
400m run
3rnds Cindy
5 Pull up
10 Push up
15 Squats
400m run
4 RFT (Rounds For Time)
400m run
5 rnds of Cindy
(NOTE: 1 400m run + 5 Rounds of Cindy= 1 ROUND, Repeat 4x)
“Underneath the beautiful exterior there was an element of ruthlessness and toughness that I had trouble either accepting or forgetting.” -Hubert H. Humphrey
Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg Protein, 1tsp Glutamine
1 "Apple Pie" Laurabar
*I came home and did about 2 hours of solid yard work, shoveling/sifting sugar sand & rocks that have been left in two medium sized piles. Then dumping the rocks into a huge pile in the backyard using an old wheel barrel. Why, Especially after a WOD like that & getting home with the temperature already up to 97 Degrees? Well because I was really pissed off with myself. See, I get extremely hard on myself when I do body weight workouts, I always feel that I should be moving faster if I'm just moving me so I constantly have this battle between my mind & body. I got through the first 2 rounds feeling pretty good but that 3rd round hit me like when you were younger at church misbehaving & your mother catches you with a pop on the back of the head! COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! 5 pull ups got harder & harder, my legs where burning, 10 push ups were just enough to get done & yet so taxing!
**I will say that today was the first day I achieved my "butterfly" kipping pull up. "When your body is tired it will naturally find a way to travel the path of least resistance." Well put Robert.
Anyway, I realized how stupid that was (the yard work lol), it took a lot out of my already exhausted body. I did drink plenty of water while I was working, it just delayed my usual post workout brunch. After a relaxing much needed shower this is what I ate:
4 Whiting fillets
Broccoli Spears
Small amount of sweet potato French Fries
1 "Wholly Guacamole" pack
Then finished that off with the usual Supplements
40 Minute "Power Nap" & then off to Lake Mary High to coach!
1 Big A** Steak cooked medium well
Medium sized salad mixed with Spinach, Romaine, & another dark leafy lettuce, tomato & onion
1 "Wholly Guacamole" Packet
1/2 Powerade Zero Extremely Water down mixed with 1tsp Glutamine Powder
The usual Supplements
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Explosiveness is Key...
*Slept pretty well, forgot to turn on the alarm on my iphone so I overslept a little. I think my body needed it because my biological clock shot me up at 0629. Back to the normal 0830 workout crew.
1 Scoop 100% Egg White Protein
Apple Sauce
1 Multi-V
1 Vitamin D
4 Fish oil
4 Beta Alanine
**This is the second day in a row where I woke up without much of an appetite. I'm not sure whether this is good or bad but since I was in a rush the Egg White protein & apple sauce seemed to hold me up pretty well.
3 Rnds
10 PVC Passthroughs
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Squats
-Jerk Technique review-
Jerk (Split or Push)
5x1 = 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs, 285lbs(PR), 295lbs(Missed)
7 Min AMRAP:
15 Wall Balls (20lbs)
10 Slam Balls (20lbs)
5 Push Ups
Finished: 5 rnds even
Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg White Protein, 1 Tsp Glutamine
2 Whole eggs, 1/3 Cup Liquid Egg White & Spinach Scrambled
2 Sausage Patties (All natural)
1 Ground Beef Pattie (homemade by me)
Supplements: 4 FO, 4 BA, 1 MV
**I appreciated Tanner & Robert's coaching on the Jerk as it was my first time performing it for a 1 rep max. If your unfamiliar, I (as well as my other classmates) had 5 sets to achieve our heaviest completed Split or Push Jerk for 1 repetition. Sets 1-4 felt pretty good for me, my goal was to hit 285lbs & when I got that overhead I said to myself "GO DO IT!" The iron humbled me once again, inanimately telling me "Your good but not good enough to handle me without proper technique. Come back when you've practiced a little more, sink those hips, lock those arms, good try but HA, I'll ALWAYS show you the truth." Explosive hips come natural after 10 years of football so that initial burst from the hips to get the weight overhead was good. What is going to take more work from me is getting my hips to sink lower. Tanner critiqued my technique and I have to really shoot that back leg further back. This will allow my hips to sink & give my arms more room to be completely locked out when receiving the weight overhead. In other words.."GET LOWWWWW"
As for the AMRAP, I'm not always fond of it but I LOVE the tenacity that is instilled by the Crossfit WODs. Wall Balls are exhausting, Slam Balls are exhausting & Push-ups are...well, they are push ups, lol. Tanner brought up a good point after Robert called "Time!" and I sat down on a box to gather myself. Ignore the fact that they suck, its inevitable & that goes the same for Kettle Bells, Double Unders, etc. If you have a number to achieve get them done as quickly as possible. Yes, it hurts, yes, you can't breathe but the bottom line is I still got work to do! HAHAHA, I'm only delaying myself from getting the work done. I know it's sometimes easier said than done but I'll keep reminding myself not to quit.
Here is a poem that I had to memorize in college. I'd like to share. It's called:
"Don't Quit"
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
1 Scoop 100% Egg White Protein
Apple Sauce
1 Multi-V
1 Vitamin D
4 Fish oil
4 Beta Alanine
**This is the second day in a row where I woke up without much of an appetite. I'm not sure whether this is good or bad but since I was in a rush the Egg White protein & apple sauce seemed to hold me up pretty well.
3 Rnds
10 PVC Passthroughs
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Squats
-Jerk Technique review-
Jerk (Split or Push)
5x1 = 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs, 285lbs(PR), 295lbs(Missed)
7 Min AMRAP:
15 Wall Balls (20lbs)
10 Slam Balls (20lbs)
5 Push Ups
Finished: 5 rnds even
Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg White Protein, 1 Tsp Glutamine
2 Whole eggs, 1/3 Cup Liquid Egg White & Spinach Scrambled
2 Sausage Patties (All natural)
1 Ground Beef Pattie (homemade by me)
Supplements: 4 FO, 4 BA, 1 MV
**I appreciated Tanner & Robert's coaching on the Jerk as it was my first time performing it for a 1 rep max. If your unfamiliar, I (as well as my other classmates) had 5 sets to achieve our heaviest completed Split or Push Jerk for 1 repetition. Sets 1-4 felt pretty good for me, my goal was to hit 285lbs & when I got that overhead I said to myself "GO DO IT!" The iron humbled me once again, inanimately telling me "Your good but not good enough to handle me without proper technique. Come back when you've practiced a little more, sink those hips, lock those arms, good try but HA, I'll ALWAYS show you the truth." Explosive hips come natural after 10 years of football so that initial burst from the hips to get the weight overhead was good. What is going to take more work from me is getting my hips to sink lower. Tanner critiqued my technique and I have to really shoot that back leg further back. This will allow my hips to sink & give my arms more room to be completely locked out when receiving the weight overhead. In other words.."GET LOWWWWW"
As for the AMRAP, I'm not always fond of it but I LOVE the tenacity that is instilled by the Crossfit WODs. Wall Balls are exhausting, Slam Balls are exhausting & Push-ups are...well, they are push ups, lol. Tanner brought up a good point after Robert called "Time!" and I sat down on a box to gather myself. Ignore the fact that they suck, its inevitable & that goes the same for Kettle Bells, Double Unders, etc. If you have a number to achieve get them done as quickly as possible. Yes, it hurts, yes, you can't breathe but the bottom line is I still got work to do! HAHAHA, I'm only delaying myself from getting the work done. I know it's sometimes easier said than done but I'll keep reminding myself not to quit.
Here is a poem that I had to memorize in college. I'd like to share. It's called:
"Don't Quit"
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Our strengths grow out of our Weaknesses" -Ralph Waldo Emerson
*I had to handle some business with work & unfortunately missed my usual 0830 session. I also woke up without much of an appetite so I had some Cantaloupe and a cup of coffee, took off to the Apple store & that held me till 1145.
Boiled Eggs, Cantaloupe, 1 Homemade Pork Sausage, 1 Scope 100% Egg White Protein
Supplement: 4 Fish Oils, 4 Beta Alanine, 1 Vitamin D, 1 Multi-V
5 min Double Unders
Introduction to Pistols
7 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
7x Deadlifts (315lb)
20m Sprint
14 Pistols (Modified with blue band for assistance)
21 Double Unders
20m Sprint
Finished: 2 rnds + 7 Deadlifts
*Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg White, 1 tbsp Glutamine
2 Sirloin Patties, Lettuce for buns, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Guacamole
Seasoned Sweet Potato French Fries
Cantaloupe & Sun flower seeds for Desert
Supplements: 8 Fish Oils, 4 Beta Alanine, 2 Multi-V
** I was upset with myself today... 7 months into Crossfit & I have learned that there is ALWAYS something you can improve on. Body weight work outs tend to beat me up pretty well. I always learn just how much further I have to go if I want to compete in the games in the future. 315lb deadlift was exhausting on the lower back. It was my first time ever doing pistols and they aren't fun. It was a hard time telling my body not to worry about falling and that my right or left leg can definitely support all 230 lbs of me (not including the weight of force + pressure applied to the equation). Regardless, my body wasn't listening and when it doesn't listen that means more time working on it. Great WOD though!
Boiled Eggs, Cantaloupe, 1 Homemade Pork Sausage, 1 Scope 100% Egg White Protein
Supplement: 4 Fish Oils, 4 Beta Alanine, 1 Vitamin D, 1 Multi-V
5 min Double Unders
Introduction to Pistols
7 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
7x Deadlifts (315lb)
20m Sprint
14 Pistols (Modified with blue band for assistance)
21 Double Unders
20m Sprint
Finished: 2 rnds + 7 Deadlifts
*Post Workout Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg White, 1 tbsp Glutamine
2 Sirloin Patties, Lettuce for buns, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Guacamole
Seasoned Sweet Potato French Fries
Cantaloupe & Sun flower seeds for Desert
Supplements: 8 Fish Oils, 4 Beta Alanine, 2 Multi-V
** I was upset with myself today... 7 months into Crossfit & I have learned that there is ALWAYS something you can improve on. Body weight work outs tend to beat me up pretty well. I always learn just how much further I have to go if I want to compete in the games in the future. 315lb deadlift was exhausting on the lower back. It was my first time ever doing pistols and they aren't fun. It was a hard time telling my body not to worry about falling and that my right or left leg can definitely support all 230 lbs of me (not including the weight of force + pressure applied to the equation). Regardless, my body wasn't listening and when it doesn't listen that means more time working on it. Great WOD though!
Monday, July 19, 2010
HELL-En Daytona
*Didn't feel too hot this morning but ignored it and got going to the gym.
2 Eggs, 1 Banana, Applesauce
Supplements: 4 Fish Oil, 4 Beta Alanine, 1 Vitamin D
Warm up:
10 burpees (Had to get gas which made me 2 min late)
5:00 Easy paced row
3 rnds:
10 x Single Arm Kettle Bell Swings (35lb)
10 x Jumping Pull Ups
1200m run
64 KB Swings (53lb)
36 Pull Ups (Chin must go above bar)
800m run
42 KB Swings
24 Pull Ups
400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Finished: 24:47
Post Workout Meal:
1 1/2 Scoops 100% Egg White Protein
1 Banana
1/2 Avocado
3 Full Eggs & Spinach Fritatta
3 Pork Sausage Links
1/2 Sweet Potato
Supplements: 2 Multi-V, 4 Fish Oil, 2 Beta Alanine
**I saw this WOD during the games and felt horrible for the athletes. Helen itself is a very intimidating WOD for me. Kettle Bell swings exhaust me & I'm still working on being a more efficient runner so to see this juiced up version my heart instantly started to beat faster. I met up with the CFD crew only to see the look in Robert's eyes that said "yea..we are doing this" I expected it, I just didn't expect it today lol! Meri & Lynn mentioned before I started that it looks a lot more awful on paper than when you actually do it. I listened but I knew the exhaustion I was in for. The worse part of the entire WOD was the 800m run. Gotta give Kat her props too, we both finished at the exact same time. All in all it was a very good WOD. I had a huge post WOD meal & I'm starving again!
2 Eggs, 1 Banana, Applesauce
Supplements: 4 Fish Oil, 4 Beta Alanine, 1 Vitamin D
Warm up:
10 burpees (Had to get gas which made me 2 min late)
5:00 Easy paced row
3 rnds:
10 x Single Arm Kettle Bell Swings (35lb)
10 x Jumping Pull Ups
1200m run
64 KB Swings (53lb)
36 Pull Ups (Chin must go above bar)
800m run
42 KB Swings
24 Pull Ups
400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Finished: 24:47
Post Workout Meal:
1 1/2 Scoops 100% Egg White Protein
1 Banana
1/2 Avocado
3 Full Eggs & Spinach Fritatta
3 Pork Sausage Links
1/2 Sweet Potato
Supplements: 2 Multi-V, 4 Fish Oil, 2 Beta Alanine
**I saw this WOD during the games and felt horrible for the athletes. Helen itself is a very intimidating WOD for me. Kettle Bell swings exhaust me & I'm still working on being a more efficient runner so to see this juiced up version my heart instantly started to beat faster. I met up with the CFD crew only to see the look in Robert's eyes that said "yea..we are doing this" I expected it, I just didn't expect it today lol! Meri & Lynn mentioned before I started that it looks a lot more awful on paper than when you actually do it. I listened but I knew the exhaustion I was in for. The worse part of the entire WOD was the 800m run. Gotta give Kat her props too, we both finished at the exact same time. All in all it was a very good WOD. I had a huge post WOD meal & I'm starving again!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Manmakers..who ever heard of such rubbish
*I had a hard time getting to bed last night. My fire certification officially came through yesterday and my mind was too excited with ambitions & possibilities that getting into a relaxed state was taking a lot longer in the evening. I also volunteer my time with the Lake Mary High school freshman football team..all I can do is laugh sometimes. Anyway, once relaxed, had a quick phone conversation with Kiki & I was out like a log. Usually I wake up to use the restroom but not this time.
1/3 cup Liquid Egg Whites, MORE applesauce lol
Supplements: 4 Fish oil, 4 Beta Alanine, 1 Vitamin D
* Had a bit of headache this morning & definitely felt the effects of going to bed at 0:00hrs & waking up at 0600. Also with coaching the young ones, I didn't get home till 20:00 had to season my food & didn't get to eat it till 22:00 (darn baked chicken!). Needless to say my stomach was a little upset with me.
Warm up:
Rolled on a Lacrosse ball
3 rounds:
5 push ups
10 sit ups (I went straight leg)
15 Squat jumps ("HEELS! HEELS! HEELS!")
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Manmakers (25lb dumbbells)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Knee's to Elbows
**You must complete the Manmakers before moving to Knee's to elbows.
10-1,9-2,8-3 and so on...
Finished: 17:43 (or 47..kinda forgot)
Post Work Out Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg White Protein
1 large Banana
1 Orange
1 DELICIOUS Chicken breast
* Got my first dose of a "Manmaker" today. For those who are unfamiliar its basically a burpee with 25lbs in each hand and a Push Press at the end! FUN right? I came in the box to see Kaylin getting it done & I first thought "Jb, you've been having a great week, get this done quick." Ha..once it was my turn to go I understood exactly what she was going through. My arms were on FIRE! Not only that, I was sweating (duh..) so that was messing with my grip & the chalk began to turn into paste, lol. This WOD was tough for me, I've been blessed with huge legs to throw up to my knees lol. Glad it's over, its been a great week filled with some big blessings.
1/3 cup Liquid Egg Whites, MORE applesauce lol
Supplements: 4 Fish oil, 4 Beta Alanine, 1 Vitamin D
* Had a bit of headache this morning & definitely felt the effects of going to bed at 0:00hrs & waking up at 0600. Also with coaching the young ones, I didn't get home till 20:00 had to season my food & didn't get to eat it till 22:00 (darn baked chicken!). Needless to say my stomach was a little upset with me.
Warm up:
Rolled on a Lacrosse ball
3 rounds:
5 push ups
10 sit ups (I went straight leg)
15 Squat jumps ("HEELS! HEELS! HEELS!")
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Manmakers (25lb dumbbells)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Knee's to Elbows
**You must complete the Manmakers before moving to Knee's to elbows.
10-1,9-2,8-3 and so on...
Finished: 17:43 (or 47..kinda forgot)
Post Work Out Meal:
2 Scoops 100% Egg White Protein
1 large Banana
1 Orange
1 DELICIOUS Chicken breast
* Got my first dose of a "Manmaker" today. For those who are unfamiliar its basically a burpee with 25lbs in each hand and a Push Press at the end! FUN right? I came in the box to see Kaylin getting it done & I first thought "Jb, you've been having a great week, get this done quick." Ha..once it was my turn to go I understood exactly what she was going through. My arms were on FIRE! Not only that, I was sweating (duh..) so that was messing with my grip & the chalk began to turn into paste, lol. This WOD was tough for me, I've been blessed with huge legs to throw up to my knees lol. Glad it's over, its been a great week filled with some big blessings.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Lunges & Burpees...
Breakfast: 3 boiled eggs, 5 spoonfuls of applesauce, 1 strip bacon.
Supplements: 4 fish oil, 1 Vitamin D , 4 Beta Alanine
(ran out of Multi-vitamins)
*Felt pretty well rested today. I have been using my time being unemployed to focus more on my recovery with stretching & a consistent bed time. I've definitely realized the importance of sleep for recovery.
Warm up:
5 rounds
20m bear crawl
10 sec Handstand holds
5x1 Max box jump:
Finished at 50inch
50ft. Lunge w/ 45lb plate, Fully locked out overhead.
21x burpees
Finished: 11:27
* The box jump was more mental than anything. I haven't done a max box jump since my sophomore year in college. It felt good to reach my old PR but now I gotta break it. As for the burpees..F, the darn burpees. I refuse to let them get the best of me. I can talk about being a big guy & the range of motion but the bottom line is they have to get done faster! Great competition from JP.
Post workout meal:
2 scoops 100% egg white, 1 tsp. Glutamine
1 large banana
1 left over thin cut Lamb chop.
Supplements as well.
**What goes around comes around
Supplements: 4 fish oil, 1 Vitamin D , 4 Beta Alanine
(ran out of Multi-vitamins)
*Felt pretty well rested today. I have been using my time being unemployed to focus more on my recovery with stretching & a consistent bed time. I've definitely realized the importance of sleep for recovery.
Warm up:
5 rounds
20m bear crawl
10 sec Handstand holds
5x1 Max box jump:
Finished at 50inch
50ft. Lunge w/ 45lb plate, Fully locked out overhead.
21x burpees
Finished: 11:27
* The box jump was more mental than anything. I haven't done a max box jump since my sophomore year in college. It felt good to reach my old PR but now I gotta break it. As for the burpees..F, the darn burpees. I refuse to let them get the best of me. I can talk about being a big guy & the range of motion but the bottom line is they have to get done faster! Great competition from JP.
Post workout meal:
2 scoops 100% egg white, 1 tsp. Glutamine
1 large banana
1 left over thin cut Lamb chop.
Supplements as well.
**What goes around comes around
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Row strong, Push hard, Sit fast, Jump controlled....
Breakfast: 3 boiled eggs, 5 spoonfuls of applesauce, and a bite of steak sirloin (lol)
Supplements: Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Multi-V, Beta Alanine
Warm up:
Row 750m *must have a split of 2:00 or lower
Cindy 3 rounds
5-Pull ups
10-Push ups
15-Air Squats
50 calorie row
50 push up
50 butterfly sit ups
50 double unders
35 calorie row
35 push up
35 butterfly sit ups
35 double unders
20 calorie row
20 push up
20 butterfly sit ups
20 double unders
Finished= 13:30
Great cardio WOD! I definitely felt as if the strokes during my row were more efficient. As I began to fatigue I tried to zone in on the task at hand and less on my body going numb from exhaustion. The push ups burned (of course), my sit ups are slowly starting to get faster in terms of getting up from the ground. Naturally my core was taxed from the row & stabilizing my hips for the push ups. I'm having a lot more consistency with my double under even though transitioning from double unders back to the rower made me use some inappropriate language (I'm working on it). I felt like I showed improvement today so as Mikko Salo best puts it, "yes..I am happy now" lol
Post workout meal:
2 scope 100% egg white, 1 tsp Glutamine
Water, & a small banana
I like the idea of not knowing what the heck is going to be written on the white board when I show up to the box. Get the sh*t done...
Supplements: Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Multi-V, Beta Alanine
Warm up:
Row 750m *must have a split of 2:00 or lower
Cindy 3 rounds
5-Pull ups
10-Push ups
15-Air Squats
50 calorie row
50 push up
50 butterfly sit ups
50 double unders
35 calorie row
35 push up
35 butterfly sit ups
35 double unders
20 calorie row
20 push up
20 butterfly sit ups
20 double unders
Finished= 13:30
Great cardio WOD! I definitely felt as if the strokes during my row were more efficient. As I began to fatigue I tried to zone in on the task at hand and less on my body going numb from exhaustion. The push ups burned (of course), my sit ups are slowly starting to get faster in terms of getting up from the ground. Naturally my core was taxed from the row & stabilizing my hips for the push ups. I'm having a lot more consistency with my double under even though transitioning from double unders back to the rower made me use some inappropriate language (I'm working on it). I felt like I showed improvement today so as Mikko Salo best puts it, "yes..I am happy now" lol
Post workout meal:
2 scope 100% egg white, 1 tsp Glutamine
Water, & a small banana
I like the idea of not knowing what the heck is going to be written on the white board when I show up to the box. Get the sh*t done...
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